Blending AI and Entrepreneurship Education for Youth

The scope of the project is to develop, test and assess an innovative new blended entrepreneurship and AI program that has the potential to be mainstreamed to improve education and training systems (and the effectiveness of policies and practices in this field).
Expected main direct results:
● PoC for an innovative AI readiness training program,
● pilot curricula
● policy paper including recommendations, toolkits and guidelines on digital education,
● 3 regional ecosystems to support achieving systemic impact at European level.
Target groups are mainly project partners (schools, students, educators, NGOs, research centres, enterprises) and external stakeholders (parents, business / cross-sectoral labour market, policy-makers).
The project is implemented by a consortium of 10 partners from five countries, including NGOs, educational institutions, research centres, enterprises, and Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center.

Start date: 2023-01-01
End date: 2025-12-31
Role: Partner
Origin: Foreign project
Funding: Erasmus +