
AI4EOSC Platform launches beta LLM4EOSC API service

During the EOSC Symposium in Berlin AI4EOSC announced the deployment of beta LLM4EOSC (Large Language Models for the EOSC) API service. This innovative service is now available for a limited number of users in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) community to evaluate and provide feedback.

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NimbusQA application has been launched

NimbusQA application was created by the PSNC Media Solutions Lab for Phase One, which is one of the leading digital photography companies in the world. The application is actually a cloud-based service designed to simplify the calibration and verification of digital reproduction systems, specifically tailored for photographers and cultural heritage professionals.

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Introducing 3DBigDataSpace: Transforming the Future of 3D Digital Cultural Heritage

The availability of high-quality 3D content has been a limiting factor for the growth of Extended Reality (XR) and 3D applications, particularly within cultural heritage sectors. Addressing this challenge, the new “3D Big Data to enrich the European Data Space for Cultural Heritage” (or simply “3DBigDataSpace”) project is set to revolutionize the accessibility and usability of 3D data for cultural heritage, education, and tourism sectors across Europe.

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PSNC Under the New Leadership

The Director of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences has decided to change the composition of the Plenipotentiaries of the Director of IBCH PAS for PSNC. As of October 1, 2024, the function of Acting Director of PSNC is assumed by Robert Pękal, M.Sc.

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Researchers’ Night

For the last 18 years, on every last Friday of September, Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center as well as the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Polish Academy of Sciences, has been inviting everyone who is interested in computer science and all possibilities it gives us. Along with our eight partners we mix knowledge with entertainment to make the Researcher’s Night a special and unforgettable experience for all the science lovers who, for a day – or rather night, can become scientists during a variety of workshops, tours and presentations.

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Launch of the ECHOES project

The ECHOES (European Cloud for Heritage OpEn Science) consortium has been selected to manage the creation of the Collaborative European Cloud for Cultural Heritage. The ECHOES project will promote the development of the Digital Commons through a digital environment that enables the collective enrichment and analysis of cultural heritage objects, facts or phenomena. One of the partners of the initiative is the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center.

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Enea Operator implements advanced proprietary tool to support investment planning process

Experts from Enea Operator and the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center have developed an algorithm to support the planning of network investment decisions. The result is a fully proprietary tool, the only one of its kind in the Polish energy industry, that supports investment processes based on data from remote reading meters, GIS network information and data from the SCADA system

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DataSpace website for Europe’s cultural heritage launched

DataSpace, a website for Europe’s cultural heritage, has been launched with the aim of stimulating interest in Europe’s cultural heritage and promoting digital culture as a public good. The site provides access to high quality data, with an emphasis on 3D, and encourages users to re-use and find new value in it.

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