EU4Digital: Connecting Research and Education communities

The project continues the activities started by the EaPConnect, and capitalizes on the successes of the previous project. The overall objective is to bring together the research and education communities in Europe and EaP region and bridge the digital divide. The project aims at three specific objectives:

1. Extend the network infrastructure (digital highways) to scale-up scientific exchange across borders. This objective will be addressed by the purchase of the network infrastructure (or Indefeasible Rights of Use of networks) to ensure access to digital highways.

2. Increase the use of services implemented under EaPConnect and offer new services to enhance international cooperation in R&E. This objective will be achieved by the development of information technology services to enhance international cooperation in education and research.

The project is implemented by the consortium of the partners from European partnership countries in Eastern Europe and Southern Caucasus, as well as EU. The project is coordinated by the Association of European R&E Networks – GÉANT.

Start date: 2020-07-01
End date: 2025-06-30
Role: Partner
Origin: Foreign project
Funding: GÉANT Agreement