European Federation of Data Driven Innovation Hubs

EUHubs4Data sest up a European federation of Big Data Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs), with the ambition of becoming a reference instrument for data-driven cross-border experimentation and innovation, and support the growth of European SMEs and start-ups in a global Data Economy.

Based on the concept “European catalogue, local offer”, EUHubs4Data establishes a Europe-wide, sustainable ecosystem drawing upon local expertise and achievements of European initiatives and national/regional Big Data DIHs, with the threefold objective of:

  • creating a European catalogue of data sources and federated data-driven services and solutions;
  • making this offer accessible at the regional level so that European SMEs, start-ups and web entrepreneurs have access to the most valuable assets and expertise on the continent;
  • fostering cross-border and cross-sector data-driven experimentation facilitated through data sharing, and data & service interoperability.
Start date: 2020-09-01
End date: 2023-08-31
Role: Partner
Origin: Foreign project

Funding: H2020
