The MEDICS project is funded by National Centre for Research and Development (NCBiR) within the confines of Program for National Defense and Security “SZAFIR” – 1/SZAFIR/2020 call.

MEDICS System will be implemented in accordance with NATO guidelines (e.g. AJMedP-5) as Medical Information Management System to support the command process in the field of medical activities. One of the system’s goals will be to facilitate the process of providing clinical care in an international environment by sending casualties’ health data between national commands and NATO. The system will support patient care at the earliest stage due to the increased use of telemedicine and teleconsultation techniques. The effective use of such tools will support the implementation of the full range of medical services by starting patient care at the tactical level. Effective management of medical information, especially regarding patients, will ensure the process of planning medical support on the battlefield by building situational awareness in the area of medical information, implementing the process of patient tracking, planning medical activities and medical evacuation.

PSNC project teams (Cybersecurity Department and Future Internet Services Department) will work on a Multi-criteria Decision Analysis based component for selected scenarios, especially to support tasks scheduling where the resources for evacuation are insufficient) and support implementation of medical information management facilities. PSNC will also help to embed Secure Development Life Cycle in MEDICS, providing secure coding practices, cybersecurity expertise, source code reviews, threat modelling and final cybersecurity evaluation.

• Military Communications Institute of Professor, PhD. Hab J. Groszkowski
• Military Institute of Aviation Medicine
• sp. z o.o.


Start date: 2021-06-01
End date: 2024-05-31
Role: Coordinator
Origin: National project
Funding: National project - NCBiR - SZAFIR