Eagle II: PSNC returns to the TOP500 list

Eagle II: PSNC returns to the TOP500 list

Traditionally, at the largest Supercomputing (SC20) conference devoted to supercomputing technologies (HPC, High-Performance Computing), another TOP500 list was announced – the fastest supercomputers in the world. This list includes a new PSNC supercomputing system – Eagle II (position 85), the successor of Eagle supercomputer purchased in 2015. Eagle II is also present on the 61st position of the Green500 list– the most energy-efficient computing systems.

This computer with conventional power 4 times higher than Eagle/Orzel (5.9 PFLops) will complement the computing resources of our data center. It is equipped with more than 63,000 computing cores which are liquid-cooled(DLC, Direct Liquid Cooling). The machine will be used by our users in Poland and Europe for engineering simulations, Big Data and computations using artificial intelligence (AI), including machine learning technologies (Deep Learning).

PSNC has also increased its resources by the GP-GPU cluster, using accelerators with a peak power of 0.6 PFlops. Currently, it is the fastest supercomputer in Poland and constitutes the first stage of PRACE-LAB project which focuses on the expansion of HPC systems in Poland. In the next steps, HPC centers in Gdańsk (IT Center of the Tri-City Academic Computer Network), Wrocław (Wrocław Center for Networking and Supercomputing) and Kraków (ACK Cyfronet AGH) and data centers in Częstochowa (Częstochowa University of Technology), Kielce (Kielce University of Technology), Białystok (Białystok University of Technology) and Łódź (Łódź University of Technology).

Eagle II was purchased under the national project PRACE-LAB, POIR.04.02.00-00-B001/18 pt. “PRACE-Cooperation in the field of advanced computing in Europe” co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under Measure 4.2 of the Intelligent Development Operational Program 2014-2020.

The latest TOP500 list is available HERE.