eDWIN project awarded at Intelligent Development Forum

eDWIN project awarded at Intelligent Development Forum

During the 6th Intelligent Development Forum, the eDWIN project received the Polish Intelligent Development Award in the category “Innovative digitization and data sharing”. The award was collected by representatives of the Wielkopolska Agricultural Advisory Center in Poznan. In total, as many as 19 partners participate in the project, including PSNC.

The Intelligent Development Forum is a scientific and technological meeting devoted to the dissemination of innovative research and innovative technologies. The representatives of the Wielkopolska Agricultural Advisory Center (project leader) presented eDWIN during the conference panel and prepared a booth dedicated to the project.

The aim of the project “Internet-based platform for advice and decision support in integrated pest management” (full name of the eDWIN project) is to create a national IT system for plant protection, which is to positively affect the quality of food produced in Poland. In June 2022, four electronic services will be available on the market, which will be possible thanks to the new platform and applications developed in the eDWIN project.

These services are: “Virtual Farm”, “Products traceability”, “Hazard Reporting” and “Meteorological Data Sharing”. As part of the “Virtual Farm” service, farmers will receive notifications about hazards in the field, the threat of pests, weather breakdowns or advice on the application of plant protection products. Moreover, the application will enable quick and easy contact with an agricultural advisor. Farmers will also receive current meteorological data.

For this purpose, a network of meteorological stations is being built all over Poland (there will be almost 600 in total). Data from the stations will also be processed by models that will allow the preparation of an agrometeorological commentary specifically for a given crop, thanks to which the farmer will be able to decide, for example, on the date of sowing a particular plant.

Work on the eDWIN project has been underway since June 2019. eDWIN is the first agricultural project financed under the Digital Poland program. The total value of the project is as much as PLN 20,902,508.02, of which PLN 17,689,792.53 comes from European funds, while the rest are funds from the state budget.

As many as 19 partners participate in the project. These are all voivodeship agricultural advisory centers in Poland, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center, the Plant Protection Institute – National Research Institute and the Agricultural Advisory Center in Brwinow. eDWIN is also under the patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. The initiator and leader of the project is the Wielkopolska Agricultural Advisory Center in Poznan.


The project “Internet Platform for Advising and Decision Support in Integrated Plant Protection” implemented under Measure 2.1 “High availability and quality of public e-services” of Priority Axis II “E-government and open government” of the Digital Poland Operational Programme 2014-2020. The project funding agreement was signed with the Digital Poland Projects Centre on 19 June 2019. The total value of the project is PLN 20,920,508.02, of which PLN 17,689,792.53 from European funds, with the rest coming from the state budget.