May with Conference4me

May with Conference4me
In May participants of 7 events will use Mobile Conference Assistant.

TNC2014 TERENA Networking Conference (TNC) (19-22.05.2014 r. Dublin, Ireland)

ICRA 2014 14 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (30.05. – 05.06. Hong Kong, China)

2MTC 2014 IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Society (12-15.05.2014, Montevideo, Uruguay)

EGI Forum 2014 The EGI Community Forum (19-23.05., Helsinki, Finland)

Quark Matter 2014 XXIV International Conference on Ultrarelativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions (19-24.05., Darmstadt, Germany)

IFCS 2014 Announcing the 2014 Frequency Control Symposium (19-22.05., Taipei, Taiwan)

CEFC 2014 The sixteen Biennal IEEE Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (25-28.05., Annency, France)

The mobile programme is available for download via mobile conference assistant Conference4me from Play Store or iTunes App Store.