EuroHPC Summit 2024

EuroHPC Summit 2024

The EuroHPC Summit 2024 conference took place in Antwerp on 18-21 March 2024 during the Belgian Presidency. The event once again brought together a large number of stakeholders in the supercomputing industry from both the public and private sectors, including policy makers. At the invitation of the EuroHPC JU, the workshop entitled “Centres of Excellence: Deploying Flagship Codes on EuroHPC Supercomputers’ was attended by Dr.Eng. Marcin Lawenda from the New HPC Architectures Department.

Numerous plenary sessions and workshops enabled conference participants to exchange information on the latest technological developments, identify synergies, express needs in the context of current and future projects, and thus shape the future of European supercomputing.

At the invitation of the EuroHPC JU, the workshop ‘Centres of Excellence: Deploying Flagship Codes on EuroHPC Supercomputers’, Dr Eng. Marcin Lawenda presented the results of the HiDALGO2 project after the first year of implementation. This was followed by a panel discussion on issues such as the use of and access to CoE codes, practical implementations in European institutions, the impact on the conduct of research by European scientists, best practices for software installation on EuroHPC machines and the promotion of exascale applications at the end of the project.

The effective use of HPC systems is not only a matter of highly scalable applications, but also of an integrated environment, including data storage facilities, methods for analysis of simulation results, including the use of AI, and visualisation of large data sets. The next edition of the EuroHPC Summit in 2025 will take place in our country during the Polish Presidency.