Welcome to the DataComp2023 Conference

Welcome to the DataComp2023 Conference

We would like to invite you to participate in the second edition of the national scientific conference DataComp for users of PRACE-LAB, PRACE-LAB2 and the National Data Storage (KMD) research infrastructure. DataComp2023 – AI, HPC and Big Data Analysis for Grand Challenges is the largest event in Poland bringing together both users and providers of advanced computing services.

It is a unique event that enables the presentation of scientific achievements created with the help of the largest infrastructures in the country. Participants have the opportunity to exchange experiences, present their own solutions in the field of science and economy, but also to learn about the functioning of advanced computing systems from the inside.

The conference is dedicated to application areas that require modern IT research services and infrastructures to achieve their goals: HPC (High Performance Computing), Cloud, Data, AI supporting technologies as well as Big Data analytics:
– Research Computing,
– solutions and technologies in business,
– Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning in research,
– Big Data analytics, repositories,
– Data Engineering,
– Cloud computing, HPC, Quantum computing in the area of Grand Challenges,
– Cybersecurity in data and computing protection,
– use of IoT, edge computing and HPC technologies in AI solutions,
– new solutions using – ChatGPT, prediction in data analysis.

The second edition will be hosted by the Centre of Informatics Tricity Academic Supercomputer and Network (CI TASK). The conference will take place in Gdansk on September 19-20 at the newly built CK STOS building – one of the most modern IT centres in this part of Europe, with a complex of specialised server rooms at its heart.

The conference will be followed by the publication of articles in CI TASK quarterly. We invite all those interested in research to submit papers.
For further information, please visit the conference website: https://datacomputing.pl.