About PSNC projects on the “Artificial Intelligence” portal

About PSNC projects on the “Artificial Intelligence” portal

Recently, the media have been publishing many materials on PSNC and the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences‘ participation in projects aimed at fighting the coronavirus epidemic. The press articles about the involvement of our Centre in such initiatives are available, among others, on the portal sztucznainteligencja.org.pl.

According to the editor Anna Zagorna, IBCH PAS and PSNC are leading research centres which have naturally combined technical infrastructure with research facilities specialising in RNA research, including research on viruses containing RNA as their genetic material. Both institutions started cooperation with the European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) as the so-called national node for SARS-CoV-2 data.

In the press article you can also read about the production of the first Polish coronavirus test, developed by the Poznan Institute and about the involvement of PSNC’s IoT Department in the action of printing visors for hospitals using 3D printers. The text also mentions the launching, thanks to PSNC support, of the covid-monitor.org service, used for self-assessment of one’s own health during the COVID-19 epidemic, as well as the videolekarz.pl service – virtual surgeries for doctors.

The whole text is available on the portal sztucznainteligencja.org.pl.