AI4Youth and SUCCESS projects on the UNESCO list

AI4Youth and SUCCESS projects on the UNESCO list

AI4Youth and SUCCESS – two international educational initiatives involving the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center – have been included in the UNESCO-UNEVOC list of Innovative and Promising Practices in TVET. TVET is a centre for technical and vocational education and training designated by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation.

Based at UNESCO, the main objective of the TVET Centre is to support Member States in their efforts to strengthen and modernise their education centres. TVET focuses on helping young people and adults develop skills needed in the labour market, among other things. Through innovative projects and joint capacity-building activities with more than 220 UNESCO-UNEVOC centres around the world, it ensures that all partners have access to quality training and development opportunities.

The AI for Youth (Artificial Intelligence in your school) programme is a global programme developed by Intel to raise digital awareness of artificial intelligence and promote future literacy among young people. Based on this programme, PSNC has developed and implemented a number of educational projects in Poland aimed at teachers and students from general, technical and vocational secondary schools.

The SUCCESS project, on the other hand, aims to support teachers and tutors working with students remotely by providing guidelines for implementing the principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in digital learning for students with disabilities. The idea was born when the world was going through COVID-19 and the situation of students with disabilities was one of the most critical because of the need for rapid and radical change in such complex circumstances. The adoption of UDL principles has helped all teachers to improve the quality of learning materials created for digital learning.

The SUCCESS platform is considered as an innovative practice, as the open source platform Up2U, recommended by the European Commission, has been enhanced with a focus on accessibility for users with special educational needs and disabilities. The guidelines and stand-alone online courses bring together much needed knowledge on creating accessible educational content in distance and face-to-face learning.