DATAMITE project: Unleashing the Monetisation Potential of Data

DATAMITE project: Unleashing the Monetisation Potential of Data

As part of the EU’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program, the DATAMITE project – “Data Monetization, Interoperability, Trading & Exchange” – has been launched. The initiative is implemented by the consortium of 26 partners from 12 countries. Among the institutions implementing the project is the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center.

The main objective of the DATAMITE project is to empower European companies by delivering a modular, open-sourceand multi-domain Framework to improve Data Monetizing, Interoperability, Trading and Exchange in the form of software modules, training, and business materials. DATAMITE will validate the results in 3 different use cases with a total of 6 pilots, demonstrating that the Framework is interoperable and usable in different domains and user needs, as:

1) Intra-corporate, multi-domain data exchange.
2) Data trading/sharing in Data Spaces.
3) Integration with other initiatives as Data Markets, EU AI-on-demand platform,
or DIHs.

Sectors covered by the pilots are agriculture, energy, industrial and manufacturing, and climate.

As part of the project, PSNC is responsible for pilots – implementations, and is also carrying out an agricultural pilot together with the Wielkopolska Agricultural Advisory Center and IDFS Ltd.