
First Europeana hackaton

On the 2nd and 3rd of March in Hilversum (Netherlands) first hackaton organized by Europeana took place. Hackaton is an informal workshop to show (in this case) possibilities of Europeana API usage. During two days developers had opportunity to create an interesting projects – sketches, prototypes or even complete applications. Workshop was held in the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (Beeld en Geluid).

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Economic Forum: Let Poznan be more attractive

In what direction should Poznań agglomeration develop, what may attract investors and whether the capital of Wielkopolska is a place for innovative projects. These and many other issues were discussed by the participants on the Fourth Economic Forum of the Poznań Agglomeration – representatives of local governments, researchers and entrepreneurs.

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European Award for Poznań MCG

MCG, Multimedia City Guide, again proved to be the best. During the International Conference V4DiS/ISSS LORIS in Hradec Kralove, Poznan received a Euro Crest Aw@rd for the best website in 2011 in the contest of the best site of the city.

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PSNC experts chat about digital security

Mateusz Drygas and Marcin Jerzak from PSNC Security Team will participate in an online chat about digital security in business activity. Virtual meeting will be organised next Thursday by the Enterprise Europe Network, operating at the Lower Silesian Regional Development Agency.

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HIPERMED presentation in Heidelberg

On 29th and 30th March 2011 an exhibition of Celtic-Plus initiative in Heiderberg will take place. During the exhibition, PSNC will present a prototype for a telemedicine platform developed in HIPERMED project.

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3rd Brain Awareness Week in Poznan

3rd Brain Awareness Week will be held in Poznan from 14th to 18th March. Co-organizers of the event are the Department of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Poznan and Poznan Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of Polish Academy of Sciences. Live broadcast of the event will be prepared by Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center.

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Watch Association of Polish Cities proceed without leaving home

The residents of cities belonging to the Association of Polish Cities will only tomorrow be able to watch the proceeding of the Association without having to leave their houses. Three-hour broadcast online on the internet will be provided by the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center.

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The start of Silhouette

On 23rd and 24th February at the headquarters of PSNC was held a meeting on a new project called Silhouette. The meeting was devoted to the preparation of a detailed timetable of the first phase of the project. Meeting was chaired by representatives of PSNC – a lead participant of the project.

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Ideas ready to implement

We invite companies interested in the implementation of the ideas awardeded in “The Practice of Computer Science Specialist” competition.

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