Ideas ready to implement

Ideas ready to implement
We invite companies interested in the implementation of the ideas awardeded in “The Practice of Computer Science Specialist” competition.

Four theses awarded in the competition will be presented by their authors on February 11th during a closed meeting at the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center. After the presentation discussion with entrepreneurs on the practical usage of the proposed solutions is planned.

Featured theses concern the following solutions:
First place (ex aequo): automatic recognition of musical notation;
First place (ex aequo): artificial intelligence and agent systems in computer games;
Second place: design and implementation of distributed software transactional memory (DSTM);
Third place: detection of crime using information from Internet sources.

More about “The Practice of Computer Science Specialist” 2010 at:

Companies interested in participating in the meeting are asked to confirm their attendance to February 7th at no.: 61 858 2177 or mail to: Person to contact: Rafał Sowiński.