INSENSION project: Increasing independence for the profoundly disabled

INSENSION project: Increasing independence for the profoundly disabled

For people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities (PIMD), interaction with the environment is not so easy. In most cases, they are probably dependent on family and caregivers to carry out even basic functions due to severe physical and sensory impairments. And if their communication is not through conventional symbols and at the pre-verbal level, this makes life even more difficult. Such people will be supported by the INSENSION platform, co-created by PSNC.

On the CORDIS website created by the European Commission, recently appeared an article summarizing the results of activities on the INSENSION platform. The project is implemented by an interdisciplinary team of researchers from Poland, Germany, Spain and Slovenia. The leader of the international scientific and industrial consortium is Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center. Specialised research and development in the field of ICT technologies is conducted together with PSNC by the teams of Information and Communication Technology Centre Foundation CTIC and Jožef Stefan Institute. ICT specialists are supported by the leading European research team in the field of special education from the Heidelberg University of Education, but also by the practitioners from the Na Tak Association. The commercialisation potential of the technology developed in the project is assessed by Harpo sp. z o.o.

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