Join the Smart City Expo Poland

Join the Smart City Expo Poland

Nearly 100 exhibitors, almost 2,000 visitors and over 50 speakers – these are the numbers of this year’s fourth edition of Smart City Expo Poland held in Łódź on October 18-19, 2023. PSNC’s exhibition booth will showcase projects implemented by the Internet of Things Technologies department, the Smart Kampus laboratory within the PIONIER-LAB project and other projects implemented around IoT and mobile applications.

The thematic scope of this year’s event is extremely broad; from IoT issues, renewable energy sources and smart metering, through energy storage methods, mobile applications, up to closed system economy as well as modern methods of raw material processing.

The main goal of the event is to present modern technologies, products and services for creating a better-managed, greener and more resident-friendly city. The fair is dedicated to local government officials, directors and heads of investment departments, managers of municipal companies, as well as representatives of the private sector interested in the Smart City segment (developers, investors, designers, architects and urban planners).

The presentations prepared at the PSNC stand are in line with the main trends and issues discussed during the individual thematic blocks.