National IT Championship 2023 – learn and have fun

National IT Championship 2023 – learn and have fun
Students from schools across the country took part in the second edition of the National IT Championship, which was hosted at the Poznań International Fair from October 6 to 8, 2023. One of the partners of the event, organised by the V8 Team as part of Poznań Game Arena, was the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center.
The championships, held under the slogan ‘Program your future’, are an excellent opportunity for young technology enthusiasts not only to get to know modern digital technologies up close, but also to compete against their peers.

The competition was divided into two categories; five competition divisions were prepared for primary school students (robotics, cyber security, programming, GameDev and 3D printing) and four divisions for secondary school students (cloud, Windows 11 pro, Solve for tomorrow and AI). Training workshops for teachers were also prepared.

It is worth noting that in April next year, as part of its cooperation with the V8 Team, the PSNC will actively join the organisation of the 13th edition of the National Mechanics Championship – an event that brings together students, teachers, schools and leaders of the automotive industry.