PlatonTV Premiere: Youth Science: Hybrid or multi-speed wheelchair embedded engineering

PlatonTV Premiere: Youth Science: Hybrid or multi-speed wheelchair embedded engineering
We invite you to the 44th episode of the scientific series PlatonTV – “Youth Science” entitled “Hybrid or multi-speed – wheelchair embedded engineering”, prepared by the PlatonTV at PSNC. The material is devoted to a project developed by scientists from the Poznan University of Technology.
A group of engineers from the Poznan University of Technology decides to improve manual wheelchairs. As a result of their work, two prototypes are created: hybrid – supported by electric motors and multi-speed, which works like a bicycle with derailleurs. The PlatonTV camera reveals the secrets of designers and shows how both machines work in practice.

All episodes of the Youth Science series are available on the PlatonTV platform.