PSNC workshop for teachers “Universal design for learning”

PSNC workshop for teachers “Universal design for learning”

On June 6, 2023, Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center will host a workshop for teachers entitled: “Accessible school buildings, accessible education, accessible teacher – universal design or learning”. The event is related to the results of the international SUCCESS project.

During the three workshops, participants will have the opportunity to learn about:

-universal design for learning (UDL) and what its principles are,
-applying UDL when creating educational materials,
-the important role of classroom and building accessibility in education,
-creating accessible websites and educational blogs.

Teachers will also have a look at sample teaching materials designed according to the above principles.

The event is related to the results of the international project SUCCESS – “Supporting success for all – Universal Design Principles in Digital Learning for students with disabilities”. As part of the event, participants will receivefree access to an e-learning platform supporting the education for people with special educational needs, as well as dedicated materials.

Workshop topics:

Topic 1: Digital accessibility of websites and web applications.
Topic 2: Why buildings and things are so important, or some remarks on universal design for educators and teachers.
Topic 3: Principles of Universal Design for Learning (UDL): recommendations, examples, experiences from the SUCCESS project.

The registration link can be found at: