The AIM2ASSIST project is coming to an end

The AIM2ASSIST project is coming to an end

MASTA, MCH and PSNC joint project picked up the pace and only a few steps are needed to finish the experiment. We’ll use this occasion to share a few details about the aim of the project and solution the consortium have been working on.

The aim of the project is to eliminate the barrier, regarding time and work needed for production technology definition in MOM systems. Thanks to this, AIM2ASSIST is intended to increase the number of manufacturers choosing the MOM system from MASTA or other systems of this type using the created AI component. Automation of the management of production operations will improve the quality of planning, the estimation of the costs and production time of individual products, which then have an effect in boosting competitiveness of manufacturers on European and global markets.

The solution uses CAD designs prepared at the beginning of production processes, which are used as a base for predicting production tasks, therefore ultimately indicating the expected duration of the production processes.

The project is financed on an FSTP basis by the DIH4AI project under the European research and innovation program Horizon 2020 – Grant No. 101017057.