EOSC DIH 2nd Expression of Interest for Business Pilots

EOSC DIH 2nd Expression of Interest for Business Pilots
The EOSC DIH has launched the 2nd Expression of Interest (EoI) for Business Pilots. The goal is to onboard businesses developing innovative solutions and – with EOSC technologies and services – help them bring products and services to market. The deadline for submitting offers is June 24, 2022.

There are already several EOSC DIH pilots exploiting the EOSC services that are developing innovative solutions (and bringing them to market) in different domains such as sport and biomedicine, cybersecurity, and the environment. More information about current pilots and success stories can be found here.

The EoI is addressed to start-ups, spin-offs, SMEs or large enterprises interested in becoming an EOSC DIH Business Pilot.

Go to the EOSC Future website and fill in the application document.

EOSC DIH is part of the EOSC Future project, which receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 101017536.