Articles and reports

“AI for Youth” educational program in the BBC material

The main British news channel published an online video devoted to the educational program developed by INTEL and implemented in Poland by PSNC Innovative Education Laboratory. The technological facilities and the potential of PSNC Future Labs were presented in the material.

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NaviHub: solutions for modern aviation

Simulation of adding many dispersed drones to live air traffic – that’s the NaviLab project in a nutshell, which will be launched as part of cooperation between Polish Air Navigation Services Agency and Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center. This simulation laboratory will allow to create an air traffic management system which will be even more smooth and safe. And it will be supported by powerful computing power of the supercomputer located in Poznan.

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“PSNC has given us tremendous support” – about cooperation within the framework of the Auditory Festival in the monthly magazine “Poznański prestiż”

In the March issue of the monthly “Poznański prestiż”, we recommend an interview with Maria Marcinkiewicz-Górna – playwright, radio drama director, co-creator of the Auditory Festival. The latter was technologically supported by PSNC last year. The artist reveals the details of cooperation with the Center in Poznan and discusses plans for the future.

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Article in “Nature” journal: PSNC supercomputer helps fight the pandemic

In the latest issue of “Nature” – one of the oldest and most popular scientific journals in the world, an article was published on the cooperation of PSNC and the use of the computing power of the “Eagle” supercomputer in the VECMA project. Bartosz Bosak from the PSNC Large Scale Applications and Services Department was responsible for carrying out the research and preparing the publication. Piotr Kopta and Tomasz Piontek also contributed significantly to this publication.

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Report on PSNC activities in 2020

We invite you to read the report (available only in Polish version) containing an overview of the Poznan Supercomputing and Networking Center activities in 2020. Digital science, industry and society are the areas in which we present our exemplary R&D and implementation achievements.

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CLAW Meeting GÉANT 2020: workshop on crisis management in… times of crisis

After the success of last year’s CLAW (Crisis Management Workshop), organized for the NREN community (National Research and Education Network) at PSNC headquarters, this year’s edition was held online. The coronavirus pandemic did not allow to organize the meeting in the capital of Wielkpolska Region once again, but this exceptional situation did not prevent the development and organization of the next interactive crisis management classes.

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